Sue's Reviews > A Suitable Boy

A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: india, historical-fiction, read-2014, favorites, kindle, plan-to-re-read

A Suitable Boy takes place over the course of a year in an India which is adjusting not only to independence but to partition. Through the stories of some of the major families of Brahmpur, we observe and participate in not only the day to day activities of individuals but the workings of government, developing industry--some quite primitive, the existence of caste--though outlawed, religious hatred, and the search for love and marriage. There are beauty and violence, squalor and humor, festivals and riots. It is a very full year.

At the center is Lata, searching for that "suitable" boy, the man she will marry.That quest is not finalized until the end of the novel and is worth reading about but so much more is happening. I came to this book with a smattering of knowledge about India and Indian beliefs and customs and come away with a feeling that I have learned enough to want to know more. This is a country both rich and poor: rich in tradition, rich in religious beliefs, rich in an amazing ability to pick itself up from disaster but poor in ability to distribute its wealth and to eliminate its history of castes (I do recognize that this novel is set in the 1950s), poor in eliminating government graft, and poor in eliminating inter-religious strife. All are on display here and have not been eliminated today. (I will not hesitate to say that the country I live in, and most others have many of the same problems to one degree or another.)

But family is at the center of this novel and Lata at the center of one family.

[Lata] wondered what one could do to be born happy, to
achieve happiness, or to have it thrust on one. The baby,
she thought, had arranged to be born happy; she was placid,
and had as good a chance as anyone of happiness in this
world...Pran and Savita, different though their backgrounds
were, were a happy couple. They recognized limits and
possibilities; their yearnings did not stretch beyond their
reach. They loved each other---or, rather, had come to do
so. They both assumed, without ever needing to state it---
or perhaps without even thinking explicitly about
it---that marriage and children were a great good.

( pp 951-952)

This is one of the examples for Lata to observe. Of course there are other, some decidedly less functional.

This book does require a major investment of time and attention but for those who give it, there is a great return. Personally I find well written historical fiction a wonderful road to explore another culture.

Highly recommended!
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Reading Progress

December 2, 2010 – Shelved
August 16, 2012 – Shelved as: india
August 16, 2012 – Shelved as: historical-fiction
September 19, 2013 – Started Reading
September 19, 2013 –
page 19
1.29% "Now this is a book just begging for an ebook edition!"
September 22, 2013 –
page 70
4.75% "Personalities are taking shape!"
October 4, 2013 –
page 245
16.62% "Such a story of interlocking families, accidental meetings and sightings, love and hate and something in between, class struggle with extreme poverty offset by middle class comfort. A huge portrait of a city with so many parts which seem to all overlap."
October 13, 2013 –
page 350
23.74% "So much more than a search for "a suitable boy". The changing political and economic times, the class and religious differences, the years after the partition. Lots of history here."
October 16, 2013 –
page 408
October 23, 2013 –
page 502
34.06% "What a great group of characters introduced over the past chapters. The Chatterje party, The younger generation out on the town, Fun an interesting reading picking up details of culture through family stories."
December 12, 2013 –
page 556
December 19, 2013 –
page 602
January 5, 2014 –
page 631
42.81% "Each time I slip back into this book, I wonder why I've been away so long. Somehow I have to get back to their lives often and find out what ultimately happens with Lata's life...and all the others in this huge book."
January 8, 2014 –
page 702
January 12, 2014 –
page 830
56.31% "The land rules/laws are so dry but have such import. The festival is so amazingly unruly and has moments of bliss and horror."
January 18, 2014 –
page 879
January 20, 2014 –
page 903
January 23, 2014 –
page 943
63.98% "Change continues in India, in the family and individual lives that have been followed from the start of this novel. It's no longer "just" about a suitable boy (and really never was, I suppose)."
January 28, 2014 –
page 1003
February 8, 2014 –
page 1035
March 10, 2014 –
page 1221
March 13, 2014 –
page 1261
85.55% "Which one will be the "suitable boy"? Lata seems to be slowly eliminating the prospects."
March 18, 2014 –
page 1384
93.89% "So much has happened within the past 100 pages, within the nation-gathering for elections, within the Kapoor family besieged by pain on so many sides. And still Lata has yet to meet the suitable boy."
March 19, 2014 –
page 1474
100.0% "Finis! what a book and what compelling characters and stories."
March 19, 2014 – Shelved as: read-2014
March 19, 2014 – Shelved as: favorites
March 20, 2014 – Finished Reading
September 2, 2018 – Shelved as: plan-to-re-read
September 2, 2018 – Shelved as: kindle

Comments Showing 1-50 of 69 (69 new)

message 1: by Heather (new)

Heather Fineisen a bit weighty...

message 2: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Ah yes. I'm glad I'm reading this with a group. I think I will like the book, but it is lengthy (to put it mildly!)

Jeanette (Ms. Feisty) Oh, you ambitious lady! I doubt I shall ever have the stamina for this one. I used to look through it at the library occasionally, but couldn't commit to actually checking it out and bringing it home.

message 4: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue I actually bought my own copy since I'm reading it with a GR group at about 100 pages per week I traded in some books I'd read which paid for over half of the book. The hardest part of the transaction was carrying it home!

Jeanette (Ms. Feisty) You were smart to make that commitment to a group read before purchasing the book. If I bought it, it would sit there accusingly on the shelf, taking up three books worth of space.
Re your progress update, is there not an e-book of this?

message 6: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue No, no ebook for this, although one of the British members said there is a British ebook. Sad that these things aren't international.

Margitte 1474 pages!!! I hope you like it. I am not sure if I want to read it if it is this weighty and lengthy. Phew!

message 8: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue it is good....just long. I was reading with some others but didn't keep up. Now I'm closing in on the end. It's a good picture of India in ca 1950. Lots of change happening throughout the country and society. But definitely a big book. I have the paperback and it's still bulky.

Margitte Sue wrote: "it is good....just long. I was reading with some others but didn't keep up. Now I'm closing in on the end. It's a good picture of India in ca 1950. Lots of change happening throughout the country a..."

I just ordered it. It comes so highly recommended by readers whom I thought would never read books other than about their own country, so I will prepare myself for this long read. lolol.

message 10: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue I noticed you'd added it. It does take time but I think you will find there's a lot to like there.

Margitte Sue wrote: "I noticed you'd added it. It does take time but I think you will find there's a lot to like there."

I expect to wait about three weeks for it. But it is something to look forward to.

message 12: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue oh yes and then you can just take your time with it.

message 13: by Barb (new) - added it

 Barb Bailey I want to add this to my to read list.....what are your thoughts on this book ?

message 14: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue It's a very good book, but very long. So plan on time to read it. I think it's fascinating learning about India since I really don't know much about the country. Another good author is Rohinton Mistry. The books of his that I've read take place in Mumbai but in the 1970s. ASB is set in the 1950s shortly after independence and partition.

Margitte I just finished it. Glad I read it.

message 16: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue You're good. Started after me and finished before!

message 17: by Barb (new) - added it

 Barb Bailey Sue wrote: "It's a very good book, but very long. So plan on time to read it. I think it's fascinating learning about India since I really don't know much about the country. Another good author is Rohinton Mis..."

Sue wrote: "It's a very good book, but very long. So plan on time to read it. I think it's fascinating learning about India since I really don't know much about the country. Another good author is Rohinton Mis..."

thankyou !

Dolors Great to see those 5 shinning stars. Can't wait to read your review, Sue.

message 19: by Diane (new)

Diane Barnes Wow, congratulations on finishing this one, and 5 stars no less. That massive tome is a gargantuan effort, but since you obviously loved it, worth the time.

message 20: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue I hope to write a review soon Dolors. And Diane, as I read more consistently at the end, the last 500 pages or so, the grand scheme and Seth's fantastic accomplishment became more and more obvious to me. Therefore the 5 stars vs the 4 I had thought it might be.

message 21: by Pragya (new) - added it

Pragya Wow, 5 stars! I kind of abandoned it after the first few chapters. Need some consistent effort.

Kalliope This is such a jewel of a book... May be a reread and another visit to India...

message 23: by Fionnuala (new)

Fionnuala Your review brought back happy memories, Sue. I think I read this when I was expecting a baby so the quote you included is perfect. I wonder was Seth thinking of Malvolio in Twelfth Night when he wrote those lines. I can't remember enough about the story to figure if the reference Is significant or not.

message 24: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Fi, Malvolio does play an important part in the book (played by one of the book's characters) so perhaps you have a lingering memory of the book. I'm glad I chose this quote since it has meaning for you.

message 25: by Sue (last edited Mar 23, 2014 04:07PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Pragya, it did take effort as you can see from the time it took me to finish! But I did feel it was ultimately well worth it. Some parts were difficult, especially those dealing with the government and some was just so foreign to my experience. It is definitely an investment of time. I did take breaks along the way but found the final 500 pages moved quite quickly (comparatively).

message 26: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Kalliope, if you go you must post photos!

Dolors "I came to this book with a smattering of knowledge about India and Indian beliefs and customs and come away with a feeling that I have learned enough to want to know more. This is a country both rich and poor: rich in tradition, rich in religious beliefs, rich in an amazing ability to pick itself up from disaster but poor in ability to distribute its wealth and to eliminate its history of castes."
I have yet to travel to India but I felt as if I had met the country, its culture and traditions after spending so much time with Lata, whom I came to care about dearly. Later on I moved to Mistry's A Fine Balance and found a much more harrowing vision of what I believe has to be both a terrible and beautiful country. Thanks for bringing back memories of this great novel with your well crafted review, Sue.

message 28: by Fionnuala (new)

Fionnuala Sue wrote: "Fi, Malvolio does play an important part in the book (played by one of the book's characters) so perhaps you have a lingering memory of the book. I'm glad I chose this quote since it has meaning fo..."

So interesting, Sue, because I've no memory at all of Malvolio being mentioned in the book - I really don't remember much apart from the fun I had reading it.
It was the words of the quote that reminded me of Malvolio. Funny how all the books we've read get more or less forgotten but the lines of Shakespeare we learned at school still manage to pop up in our overloaded brains: Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them...

message 29: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Thanks Dolors. I found I came to care about so many of the characters by the end of the novel and really cared about Lata's decision. I actually read Mistry first. I suppose now I will need to find another Indian novel to read eventually. I know I have at least one book on recent history on my tbr.

message 30: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Fionnuala wrote: "Sue wrote: "Fi, Malvolio does play an important part in the book (played by one of the book's characters) so perhaps you have a lingering memory of the book. I'm glad I chose this quote since it ha..."

Some of the characters put on a production of the play which had a fairly prominent place in the middle of the book. I agree that Shakespeare does seem to pop up in our reading and now I'm also finding that Dante does too since I'm involved in reading The Divine Comedy.

message 31: by Barb H (new) - added it

Barb H Excellent review, Sue! This is such a huge book. I just have not gotten to it yet. Some day!!

message 32: by Teresa (last edited Mar 24, 2014 02:53PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Teresa I loved this book, every single page of it; and as long as it was, I didn't want it to end. I join Fionnuala in thanking you for reviving those memories.

message 33: by Barb H (new) - added it

Barb H I'll have to put it on my calendar- especially because I need to devote so much time to it!

message 34: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Barbara wrote: "I'll have to put it on my calendar- especially because I need to devote so much time to it!"

It is a commitment though not everyone takes as long as I did (I ran into a plague of migraines in the middle) and as always was reading more than one book. It might well go much quicker for you Barbara.

message 35: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Teresa wrote: "I loved this book, every single page of it; and as long as it was, I didn't want it to end. I join Fionnuala in thanking you for reviving those memories."

You're very welcome Teresa. I have to say that I too became more and more fond of the characters and the story as it progressed and am very glad I read it. Heavens---I may even read it again someday---at least parts of it.

Teresa Sue wrote: "Heavens---I may even read it again someday---at least parts of it."

That's how I felt too after finishing it.

I did read his 2 other novels because of this one. I enjoyed them both, but this one is still my favorite.

message 37: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Teresa wrote: "Sue wrote: "Heavens---I may even read it again someday---at least parts of it."

That's how I felt too after finishing it.

I did read his 2 other novels because of this one. I enjoyed them both, b..."

I'm thinking about checking out his other books. I assume (silly me) that they aren't quite as long! I see that there are many books listed under his name. Which 2 did you read?

Teresa Only his novels: An Equal Music and The Golden Gate.

Kalliope Sue wrote: "Teresa wrote: "I loved this book, every single page of it; and as long as it was, I didn't want it to end. I join Fionnuala in thanking you for reviving those memories."

You're very welcome Teresa..."

I was so hooked when I was reading this one, that I got into some trouble for being rude and antisocial... I just could not leave the book... and we would drive to the beach and I would read in the car.. then read it while walking to the shore, then sat under the shade reading the book.... etc...

message 40: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Kalliope wrote: "Sue wrote: "Teresa wrote: "I loved this book, every single page of it; and as long as it was, I didn't want it to end. I join Fionnuala in thanking you for reviving those memories."

You're very we..."

It's so big, I'm surprised you could read it while you were walking. :)

message 41: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Teresa wrote: "Only his novels: An Equal Music and The Golden Gate."

I have Golden Gate on my list. I'll add Equal Music. Thanks Teresa.

message 42: by Teresa (last edited Mar 25, 2014 10:29AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Teresa Sue wrote: "I'll add Equal Music. Thanks Teresa."

Just a warning ;) -- An Equal Music will have you looking for the accompanying music, and I ended up buying the CD that Seth eventually issued when readers kept asking for it.

Kalliope Sue wrote: "Kalliope wrote: "Sue wrote: "Teresa wrote: "I loved this book, every single page of it; and as long as it was, I didn't want it to end. I join Fionnuala in thanking you for reviving those memories...."

I have it in three volumes - trilogy format.

message 44: by Teresa (last edited Mar 25, 2014 10:29AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Teresa Kalliope wrote: "I have it in three volumes - trilogy format. "

That definitely helps! I remember reading it in bed late into the night and trying to get comfortable at times -- didn't stop me though! I read it in a binge too.

Kalliope Teresa wrote: "Sue wrote: "I'll add Equal Music. Thanks Teresa."

Just a warning ;) -- An Equal Music will have you looking for the accompanying music, and I ended up buying the CD that Seth eventual..."

This is another wonderful book... and Sue, after Doktor Faustus, here you have another one with lots of music references, but easier to follow...

message 46: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Kalliope wrote: "Teresa wrote: "Sue wrote: "I'll add Equal Music. Thanks Teresa."

Just a warning ;) -- An Equal Music will have you looking for the accompanying music, and I ended up buying the CD tha..."

Oh that's an inducement to read it sooner rather than later. I think I'll add it to my calendar for this summer.

message 47: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Teresa wrote: "Sue wrote: "I'll add Equal Music. Thanks Teresa."

Just a warning ;) -- An Equal Music will have you looking for the accompanying music, and I ended up buying the CD that Seth eventual..."

Is the CD the same title as the book?

message 48: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Teresa wrote: "Kalliope wrote: "I have it in three volumes - trilogy format. "

That definitely helps! I remember reading it in bed late into the night and trying to get comfortable at times -- didn't stop me tho..."

The three books must have helped1 I definitely read the final 500 pages in binges of 100 pages. I think if things had been different, I would have read the entire book much the same way.

message 49: by Barb H (new) - added it

Barb H An Equal Music was on the shelves of the library today, so I picked it up. I don't know when I can start it. The size of A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth scared me off that one!

message 50: by Teresa (last edited Mar 25, 2014 11:11AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Teresa Sue wrote: "Is the CD the same title as the book?"

Yes, it is. "Vikram Seth – An Equal Music (companion)"

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