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The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple

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Peter Driscoll, an underground investigator to the wealthy, has never met anyone like Lily Temple. The beautiful silent-film actress spins fairy tales and plays frivolous roles in front of the cine-camera, but beneath the costumes and stage makeup is a woman with a quick wit--and a murky past.

Peter has been tasked with locating the legendary Briarwood Teardrop, an exquisite sapphire, which Lily wears beneath her gown. In order to stay close to her and hopefully unravel the mystery of her story--and the sapphire--Peter employs Lily's help on a case, which leads to a useful partnership. But as they are investigating together, Peter is also investigating Lily. The closer he gets to the truth, the more danger they face. And the closer he gets to Lily, the clearer it is that he needs her even more than she needs him.

Award-winning author Joanna Davidson Politano whisks you away to Edwardian England in 1903 for a whimsical and layered tale that treads the crooked line between real and make-believe.

400 pages, Paperback

First published April 9, 2024

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About the author

Joanna Davidson Politano

7 books1,166 followers
Joanna Davidson Politano freelances for a small nonfiction publisher but spends much of her time spinning tales that capture the colorful, exquisite details in ordinary lives. Her manuscript for Lady Jayne Disappears was a finalist for several contests, including the 2016 Genesis Award from ACFW, and won the OCW Cascade Award and the Maggie Award for Excellence. She is always on the hunt for random acts of kindness, people willing to share their deepest secrets with a stranger, and hidden stashes of sweets. She lives with her husband and their two babies in a house in the woods near Lake Michigan and shares stories that move her at www.jdpstories.com.

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Profile Image for Lindsey (Books for Christian Girls).
1,768 reviews3,969 followers
April 9, 2024
"No one truly knows me." "Then, Lily...I'm no one."

About this book:

“Peter Driscoll, an underground investigator to the wealthy, has never met anyone like Lily Temple. The beautiful silent-film actress spins fairy tales and plays frivolous roles in front of the cine-camera, but beneath the costumes and stage makeup is a woman with a quick wit--and a murky past.
Peter has been tasked with locating the legendary Briarwood Teardrop, an exquisite sapphire, which Lily wears beneath her gown. In order to stay close to her and hopefully unravel the mystery of her story--and the sapphire--Peter employs Lily's help on a case, which leads to a useful partnership. But as they are investigating together, Peter is also investigating Lily. The closer he gets to the truth, the more danger they face. And the closer he gets to Lily, the clearer it is that he needs her even more than she needs him.”

Series: Does not seem to currently be connected to any other book.

Spiritual Content- Prayers; Bible reading; A couple Scriptures are mentioned; Witnessing & Being witnessed to (Peter to Lily); Talks about God, restoration, trusting Him, & His stories; 'H's are not capital when referring to God; Peter feels God impress upon him to do something & later impresses on him to trust Him; Lily doesn’t see that God is real after He didn’t answer her prayers (Peter says she’s missing out on the greatest narrative in history and it’s because an authority figure let her down that she’s paralleled it to God); Lily’s grandfather was a cleric & she used to attend church when it suited her, but feels no qualms about not going anymore; Someone used to tell Lily stories that could have symbolism to God (which she didn’t realize until much later); Lily tells Peter that she cannot convince herself that God is an active part in anyone’s story because “obeying [H]im, praying to [H]im…none of it seems to shift reality in any way” & says that God belongs to people like him who have an easy and straightforward life (Peter tells her to not mistake people’s betrayals for God’s); Lily had an old man in her childhood that she fashioned into a symbol of God which made her think of a deity that was kind (compared to her grandfather making her to read Proverbs and live them out) & thinks that she learned more from him than in a church (*Spoiler* ); Lily feels like she can do a better job with her life story than God could, but Peter says that he knows that she’s looking for God despite what she says; *Spoilers* ; Mentions of God, trusting Him, & His stories; Mentions of prayers, answered prayers, & praying; Mentions of those & places in the Bible; Mentions of miracles; A few mentions of spiritual food in a religious order; A couple mentions of God’s creation; A couple mentions of a priests giving last rites and hearing confessions; A mention of thanking God; A mention of a clergyman;
*Note: All about many mentions of the legend of a gem that has healing or magic powers (said to bring “strength and life to the person holding it”), came from the heavens, feeling like it is otherworldly, and could be cursed along with many mentions of fairytales, fairies, sprites, elves, enchantresses, and a miracle water that heals; *Spoiler* ; Lily plays a fairy in a series of films about a fairy wanting to go to another world; A short play/story about a springs’ water being healing after a tragedy; A side character is a fortune teller and for about a third of the book, Lily believes the woman to be correct with her predictions (there are a few mentions of times the fortune teller was correct and gained attention for it; Peter thinks she just listens to others and then sets it up where it looks like she’s predicting what she’s learned to someone else); Lily says that the “beauty of magic is that every trick has an explanation”; Things and places are described and magic and magical; A story about a sheep and a cauldron being married and having a child (a child says that would never happen); Mentions of people who can see the future (a fortune teller & Peter, but Peter says it’s just listening and asking the right questions for him and thinks it’s the same for the fortune teller); Mentions of ghosts (also called specters, spooks, and spirits); Mentions of a legend of a haunted cave; A few mentions of cherubs; A couple mentions of seeing someone again in another life; A couple mentions of superstitions; A mention of luck; A mention of speaking to a spirit.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘biddy’, a ‘heavens!’, a ‘how in blazes’, a ‘stupid’, a ‘sucker’, a form of ‘what in heaven’s name’, a ‘who the dickens’, a ‘witch’, two forms of ‘care a fig’, two ‘dratted’s, and two forms of ‘heaven sakes’; A mention of curses (said, not written); Eye rolling & Sarcasm; Being abducted/kidnapped, Being locked up, Breaking into a place, Pain, & Injuries (barely-above-not-detailed); Seeing the grief of others & feeling it (empathy, up to semi-detailed); Saving someone from almost drowning (up to semi-detailed); Shooting birds at a hunting party (Peter, barely-above-not-detailed); Lily believes that truth can be relative and can be bent and twisted to fit one’s purposes (also could be wrapped in stories & that the truth come in layers and those layers can be manipulated; This including, that as an actress, the parts she plays were truth for a fortnight or so which has caused her to not know who she truly is because she’s become a mix of all the characters she’s played); All about many mentions of arrests, prisons, criminals, thieves, thefts, stealing, & stolen items; Mentions of wars, battles, captives, deaths, major injuries, & grief (including two women for their fiancés, up to semi-detailed); Mentions of shipwrecks, deaths, & grief (including a husband for his wife and daughter); Mentions of murders, a rumored murder, & murderers; Mentions of missing people; Mentions of a corrupt government official, him taking bribes, & being a conman; Mentions of lies, lying, manipulation, & deceit; Mentions of young women running away from home (*Spoiler* ); Mentions of gossip & rumors; Mentions of step-brothers taunting and picking on their step-sister because of her burns (the child says “I don’t know why I’m even here at times” and Lily tells her a story to encourage her); Mentions of hunting, hunters, & shooting birds for sport (barely-above-not-detailed); A handful of mentions of beheadings & executions; A few mentions of the possibility of a criminal being hung; A few mentions of a film with a trick illusion about men being headless; A few mentions of threats; A few mentions of poisons; A few mentions of hatred; A couple mentions of a death in a drunken brawl; A couple mentions of the death of a mother and father (Lily, Peter); A couple mentions of alcohol; A couple mentions of eavesdropping; A couple mentions of skinning animals; A mention of the possibility of being shot; A mention of a starving child; A mention of embezzlement; A mention of nightmares;
*Note: Every chapter starts with a quote from a classic fairytale or author; Many mentions of fairytales, books, authors, & fictional characters (including the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Anderson, Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll, Thomas Hardy, J.M. Barrie, Charles Perrault, George MacDonald, & Carlo Collodi); Lily comments on it sometimes feeling like it doesn’t pay to live a moral and upright life; A mention of a man’s “very dark” temper.

Sexual Content- Three head/forehead kisses, two border-line barely-above-not-detailed // semi-detailed kisses, and two semi-detailed kisses; Remembering kisses (barely-above-not-detailed); Wanting to kiss, touch, & embrace (up to semi-detailed); Touches, Dancing, Embraces, Warmth, & Nearness (barely-above-not-detailed); Butterflies & Winks; Noticing (barely-above-not-detailed); Both Lily & Peter sneak (or have others) sneak into the other’s house to leave surprises (it’s not said how they did it); Mentions of a child conceived out-of-wedlock (the parents planned to get married *Spoiler* ); Mentions of a couple kissing & embracing (barely-above-not-detailed); A couple mentions of chaperones; A mention of illegitimate heirs; Love, falling in love, & the emotions;
*Note: A few mentions of a woman running away with a man & not being in contact with her family since; A few mentions of someone being left at the alter (*Spoiler* ).

-Lily Temple, around age 24 (?)
-Peter Driscoll, age 28
P.O.V. switches between Lily (1st person), Peter (3rd person) & a couple others
Set in 1903
400 pages

Pre Teens- One Star
New Teens- Two Stars
Early High School Teens- Three Stars
Older High School Teens- Four Stars
My personal Rating- Four Stars

Like many books by this author, the opening chapter is actually set towards the end of the book, and we get a slight recapping of things that have led everything to be. I feel like if it was anyone else, I would be annoyed at that with spoilers basically given for the rest of the book, but this author does it so well that it entices me to read fast so I can find out what happened myself—and enjoy the hints until I get there.

I feel like when I typically read books by this author, my brain is scrambling to figure out how everything is connected with the little hints and suggestions we get throughout the story. This book was no different and kept me intrigued the entire time about Lily’s past. I did guess Lily’s past pretty early in, but wasn’t sure I was correct until the end.

Our main characters were very unique. She’s very fanciful and sly, but has a child-like love for stories. He’s spectacled, smart, rule-follower and has a love for finding out the truth. A pair you wouldn’t think would work, but somehow does. He’s the calm to her storm, in a way. I do question the idea of a gem having some kind of powers (which it’s implied and said that way even at the end of the book), but I will chalk it up to part of the fairytale elements in this book.

The faith content was a different take on our female lead not trusting in God in the sense that she once did but due to events stopped trusting Him. Now, that’s not a rare character in Christian Fiction, but the discussions and Peter’s witnessing and conversations were uniquely done and had a lot of thought-provoking parts. I loved the symbolism of the Gardener especially.

I don’t know if I would say this was my very favorite by this author, but I did really enjoy it and get sucked into the plot. Joanna Davidson Politano‘s writing style is unlike most and always has me questioning everything I read because things are never as they seem, especially in this book.

Link to review:

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.
*I received this book for free from the Publisher (Revell) for this honest review.
Profile Image for Milena Bookish❤️.
242 reviews102 followers
April 9, 2024
Happy New Release!

4.5⭐I must say that Politano is a skilled writer who knows how to create a captivating novel. The story's setting is so well-described that it made me feel as if I were right there. The writing style is engaging and keeps me interested throughout the book.

Peter has been given the task of finding a rare sapphire called the Briarwood Teardrop, which Lily wears underneath her gown. To stay close to her and uncover the mystery of the sapphire and her story, Peter involves Lily in a case, However, while working together, Peter also investigates Lily. As he gets closer to the truth, they face more danger. The closer he gets to Lily, the more he realizes that he needs her more than she needs him.

The mystery element of the story was particularly intriguing, which added to the overall enjoyment of the novel. The characters were authentic and not just stereotypical or conformist. This book had a beautiful faith arc and often filled me with gratitude through its simple yet profound words...Mystery? Fairytale? Romance? Delightfully entertaining! with a fantastic ending. This historical fiction is perfect for those who want to lose themselves in a book. It's a must-read for sure.

I received a complimentary eARC from the publisher.
Profile Image for Carrie Schmidt.
Author 1 book425 followers
April 10, 2024
“Can’t you feel him calling out to you from every story that wraps itself around your heart?”

I went into The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple by Joanna Davidson Politano, drawn by the premise of a secret private investigator, a mysterious silent film star, and a legendary missing sapphire. But what I actually experienced in the reading of this story was infinitely more beautiful and soul stirring. Oh, the plot was as delightful as I expected it to be and I couldn’t tear myself away from Lily and Peter and their sweet romance or the intriguing stories and cases told between them. Or the fascinating aspects of early silent film and the genius that was George Albert Smith’s contribution to the industry. But that’s not what I will remember most about this novel years from now. What will draw me back time and again is how Politano exquisitely demonstrates the power of stories and how they point us to THE Story.

"Because there was a great deal of truth in fiction – the sort too important to just be spoken outright. What heroism looked like. What it meant to love authentically. And more than anything, who the rescuer of our souls was. That was the truest story. The largest… He has written eternity in our hearts, and in every story we tell."

Fairy tales. Romance. Adventure. Missing treasure. Shipwrecks. Illusions. The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple has it all. And every bit of it acts as the most beautiful of arrows to the Gardener, the one who pursues us even through death itself so that we may have abundant life here and eternal life there. There was more than one occasion when I felt tears misting my eyes and a lump in my throat at how tenderly Politano expresses these parallels. And my own passion for how stories (some, in spite of themselves) ultimately reflect THE Story welled up in my heart until I very nearly hugged my kindle in a fit of dramatics that would have made Lily proud.

Bottom Line: Fiction fans, this is our book! The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple by Joanna Davidson Politano is a gorgeously-written love letter to the way fiction shapes our hearts and expresses truth like nothing else can. One which gently reminds us that “the hero on a quest, the hardship, the crisis and rescue… They’re all just a reflection” of the greatest Story ever written – and it uses each of those elements to make the point. I adored Lily in all her quirky endearingness (yes I made up that word) and her brokenness, Peter in his quiet steadiness and his unsung heroism, and the banter between them. And I alternated between grinning through their story and holding my breath as they climbed vines and dangled from chandeliers and ran for their lives. Needless to say, I was fully entertained by this delightful tale but I was also touched by the fact that, in trying to discover the elusive truth of Lily Temple, we discover some truth about ourselves too. This one will linger with me for quite some time to come, and I couldn’t be happier about it!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

first reviewed at Reading Is My SuperPower
Profile Image for Paula Shreckhise.
1,265 reviews107 followers
April 6, 2024
“Life itself is the most wonderful fairytale.” Hans Christian Anderson
Charming tale about Lily Temple, fairy like but human, whose identity changes as often as the roles she plays in silent films. Her past is shadowed in mystery and is connected to a blue sapphire gem that its owner wants found and returned. She tells her story as a parallel to my favorite Dickens: A Tale Of Two Cities. And her story is so like ours and the search for the Creator and Master Gardener, God. Profoundly stirring and full of allegory- the story of ultimate life changing truth. “There is a great deal of truth in fiction and more than anything, who the rescuer of our souls was.” “ God has placed eternity in the hearts of man.”
Mysterious and intriguing with an admirable hero in Peter Driscoll as well as notable supporting characters. It was remarkable to find the setting and legend of St. Anne’s Well Gardens and some of the characters were real.
Exquisitely told story of love, loss, redemption and setting things right. This is easily beyond 5 stars for me.
* I received a complimentary copy of the book from Revell on behalf of the author and via NetGalley. I was not required to post a favorable review. All opinions are mine alone.*
Profile Image for Melissa’s Bookshelf.
2,130 reviews111 followers
April 9, 2024
“I accept your challenge, my dear flower. Change your story, your clothing, your name . . . but you’re still you, and I’ll find you.” Whimsical, enchanting, romantic, mysterious, inspiring! I adored figuring out the mystery of Lily Temple. Actress, storyteller, thief? This beautiful homage to fairytales and great storytelling captivated my imagination and didn’t let go. It’s a lyrical, gorgeously written story of redemption, seeking faith, finding love, and facing the realities of life. I loved the story within the story and the way these utterly endearing characters drew me in. I found myself missing them and can’t wait to reread the story knowing the full truth.

Lily Temple’s an enigma as she weaves her spell over audiences in the silent films she stars in and the stories she tells. When she’s accused of stealing a valuable sapphire known as the Briarwood Teardrop, Peter Driscoll, the man sent to retrieve it, finds himself enchanted not only by the beautiful supposed thief, but with the stories she tells. As he involves her in his investigations, he vows to discover who she really is.

I loved the journey this story took me on and the allusions to some of my absolute favorite stories of Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, A Tale of Two Cities, and fairytales by Hans Christian Anderson. I loved the way Lily is both Wendy and Peter Pan, the gifted storyteller who doesn’t want to grow up. I loved the lovely romance between Lily and Peter. Peter while firmly rooted in reality is besotted with Lily who’s his complete opposite. His desire to find the truth about her not only mends his broken heart, but helps her finally reconcile her past and find her connection back to the Master Gardener.

The setting is magical and I was thrilled to find that the gardens, legends, locations, and some of the people mentioned were real. The mystery definitely kept me guessing. I loved the way all the pieces came together leading to a stunning conclusion.

All the stars for this book! It’s easily one of my favorites by this author and I highly recommend it to inspirational, historical romance, fairytale, and classic literature fans. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the author and publisher. All opinions are my own and voluntarily provided.
Profile Image for Diane Estrella.
330 reviews103 followers
April 9, 2024
This book... It swallows you up quickly and you can't escape its pull. Lily Temple is a force to be swept up into, and enjoyed.

The author does an amazing job with both verbal slight-of-hand and the emotional and physical aspects that pushed the story along. There was a mystery to solve. Who is who and what is what. The setting is dreamy of a long lost, time never to return again.

... but...

The two main characters were the driving force. Opposite in almost every way but finding what was missing in their own lives in each others'. So many extra things were going on, that weren't really extra, but another layer being pulled away slowly, to reveal the truth that lay hidden.

"Ah, the deception of it all. That was life, though - the stories you tell yourself, and the stories you present to onlookers. Rarely did the two match."

And God,

Always there, only one thought or prayer away. To restore what was lost and taken and replace it with something better... Himself. Filling the holes and lack with his abundant Love and Peace.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
Profile Image for Joy.
305 reviews
April 13, 2024
I feel as though a bit of my own story has come full circle with the reading of Lily’s. And like Lily, I had my own Gordon Makepiece who brought a garden to life for me when I so desperately needed it. This book touched me in a very special way and I doubt very much I’ll stop thinking about it in the days to come.

But why should YOU read it? Well, let’s just say this one will resonate with each of us that loves story. And those who don’t believe fiction is worth their time? Well, they should read it even more.
Profile Image for Desiree.
623 reviews25 followers
May 12, 2024
After absolutely living The Lost Melody, I was so excited to start reading everything by Politano that I could get my hands on. But sadly I struggled with this one.

The book has many layers and tries to do a lot of things. It has some great historical fiction elements, much grounded in fascinating true stories as explained in the Author’s Note. It is also a detective mystery (part of me wished it focused more on the sleuthing by our male lead). There is a budding romance, of course. It is also part fairy tale. (The stories spun by leading lady Lily in the earlier portions are quite lovely.) And fifthly, it is an allegory for Christianity and human’s innate drawing toward God’s plan.

On to the downside points. The cover seems a bit risque for the subject matter, and also not period (1903-ish) appropriate. It is told in first person, which was often confusing as we didn’t have all the facts like we would in 3rd person. Also, it’s told from more than one perspective, without any labeling, so you had to figure out who was talking from context alone. Also, the fairytale-type quotes at each chapter heading sort of tied into the chapter, trying to set the tone, but it was too much of a stretch to make it work. I often had to re-read them once I finished the chapter to absorb how they fit in. (These worked SO great in The Lost Melody.) The Christianity element felt forced in. It was a bit intermittent, rather than a constant and regular theme. Ultimately, it could have been left out and the story told just fine.

Good, clean fiction with no steamy sex scenes or vulgarity. Recommended for fans of Christian fiction.
Profile Image for Staci.
1,948 reviews589 followers
April 2, 2024
1903 England

A unique nod to storytelling and fairy tales! The main female character, Lily Temple, is a silent film actress with multiple identities. She is excellent at fabricating tales.

"Truth has many facets." - Lily Temple

The first chapter was my favorite. The humor and confidence of Lily is so engaging and hooks readers into needing to know more about the details dangled.

My left brain thinking got frustrated at times with not understanding what was going on in the multiple story layers, but it all came together at the end. And the writing, as expected, is beautiful. My favorite subplot was the search to determine the identity of a missing or deceased soldier.

Loved the epigraphs at the beginning of each chapter.

My gratitude to publisher Revell for a complimentary copy of the novel. I was not required to post a review and all opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Melissa (christianbooksandcoffee).
392 reviews140 followers
April 11, 2024
Oh Lily Temple, if that’s your real name wink wink, you are such a great character. I just adored her character and thought she was so funny at times. She is an actress but also a great story teller. She is in a constant battle between reality and storytelling. To her it is easier to be in a story than face reality. Peter Driscoll is an investigator who is trying to locate a sapphire necklace which leads him to Lily. She happens to have said necklace in her possession. This leads to a partnership of sorts between the two as they help each other. And soon Lily realizes her need for God in her life and that He is the author of her story. I really enjoyed this story, there is so much happening that it’s hard to put into words but it’s just great. I did have a minor issue with the gypsy fortune teller, especially since this is a Christian book but felt that she was more shown to be someone who paid close attention to others than making actual predictions so that was a little better. Overall though I thought it was a great story.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from netgalley and the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Content: gypsy fortune teller
Profile Image for Rachel.
2,240 reviews91 followers
December 3, 2023
The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple by Joanna Davidson Politano is a wonderful historical fiction that has mystery, suspense, and a cast of well-drawn characters that make for a delightful read.

I enjoyed traveling to England at the beginning if the 20th century…the Edwardian era is always a fascinating polar change to the Victorian era…and Ms. Politano as always did an excellent job painting that canvas for the reader. Her talents at painting vivid portraits of characters, lands, and cultures is always impressive.

Peter and Lily are great main characters that represent a lot of life’s paradoxes. The people we present to the world, and the real person within…what is truth and what is a falsity…what we want and what we need.

I enjoyed the pacing, the plot, and I enjoyed how it all finally came to an end.

4/5 stars

Thank you NG and Revell for this wonderful arc and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.

I am posting this review to my GR and Bookbub accounts immediately and will post it to my Amazon, Instagram, and B&N accounts upon publication on 4/9/24.
Profile Image for Meagan.
192 reviews45 followers
January 26, 2024
Thank you to Revell and NetGalley for this gifted copy!*
Synopsis: “Would that this could be my story, instead of the one I had to live. For once, I wished someone could truly save.” Lily Temple is a beautiful actress weaving seamless stories in silent films, but she is also a woman of great secrets including the necklace she often wears. When a stranger begins to follow Lily, her instincts tell her to flee, landing her right in the path of private investigator Peter Driscoll. As Lily helps Peter discover the truth of an unsolved romance, he is determined to learn the truth about her and the necklace she wears. Lily’s mysterious identity has many layers from a troubled past, but even her master storytelling ability can’t save her from what she’s really running from and searching for.

Analysis: If ever a book were to have layers, I would say it is this one, but Joanna Davidson Politano weaves them together beautifully. There are stories of mystery, fairytale, and romance just to name a few. I wasn’t fully prepared for all the details, but I absolutely loved how it all came together. This book kept me turning the pages for more! I had to know who Lily really was and how all of the storylines connected. Lily’s guarded heart left me hoping for her to discover the beauty of true love. And steady, insightful Peter was the perfect one for her. Perhaps my favorite thing about this book is just the spiritual depth that it brings to storytelling. Lily Temple may be a good storyteller, but ultimately she points us to the greatest Storyteller of all.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Emma.
444 reviews2 followers
April 4, 2024
I had a feeling I was going to love this book and I am so happy to say that was the case! I’m not surprised because Joanna Davidson Politano is one of my absolute favorite authors and I always love her books. This one was no exception. It was beautifully whimsical and original, filled with themes of restoration and hope. I was swept away to 1903 England to a world of fairytales, secrets, and romance by Joanna’s poetic writing. I loved every minute reading it!

I absolutely loved how Lily’s story slowly unfolds. At first her story is a complete mystery that is only hinted at, but chapter by chapter, it’s slowly revealed in all its complexity. And so is her character. At first, Lily is as elusive to you as the reader as she is to investigator Peter Driscoll. She is full of secrets and mystery but as the story progresses, she reveals her story a little at the time. The way the story is told made the book that much more suspenseful and compelling. I loved that Lily’s POV is written in first person! It made me feel really connected to her character.

Peter Driscoll was such a lovable hero with his steadiness, integrity, and intelligence. I loved his desire to help restore broken stories and bring truth to light. He’s the calm-to-the-storm kind of hero and I truly love those type of heroes! He was the perfect match for Lily!

The romance was beautiful! It made me feel the way the romance in a good classic movie does and I loved it. I loved their banter, their adventures, their friendship-to-more. They were such a fun couple to read about!

This book had the kind of dreamy setting that made me want to spend a day in a beautiful garden or cozy cottage with a cup of tea. It was wonderful!
It was also so neat to learn a little about silent films, something I’ve never read about.

The highlight of this novel for me was without a doubt the faith content. It was woven into this story so beautifully! The message touched my soul. It left me feeling so hopeful and inspired as I was reminded of a beautiful truth. For me, that is the best feeling I can have after finishing a book.

In conclusion, I absolutely loved this book! It did more than entertain me— it made me think about why I love stories so much and left me inspired.
If you love books that include elements of fairytales, faith, and secret identities, I think you’ll love this book!

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a complimentary copy! All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Darcy Schock.
319 reviews12 followers
May 2, 2024
The magical tale of Lily Temple was a beautiful nod to the wonder and truth in fairy tales. It was filled with enchanting gardens, silent films, investigations, and what truth and fiction look like. The main character Lily loved stories, but hid her own. Peter was an investigator who vowed to uncover truth. I loved these two contrasts as the plot unfolded.

I really resonated with Lily’s feeling of always having to be strong and never needing help. Yet, longing for it.

I loved Peters determination—even when others discouraged him.

I love Politano’s books and anything that displays the power of fiction. While this wasn’t one of my favorite of her books, I did really enjoy it and tabbed many pages to return to and soak in ❤️.

Main takeaway: “What we know isn’t always what is true. Sometimes we have to let go of what we know to find what is true.“

Some other favorite quotes—

“I can’t protect you from an enemy you won’t name.”

“We cannot burden the ending of any story with our expectations.”

“Sometimes you can be so close to a story you’re living that you can’t see what it’s truly about.”
Profile Image for MJSH.
1,146 reviews62 followers
March 25, 2024
“We’re all of us a combination of romance novels, humorous tales, and tragedies, depending on what angle we show the world.”

Joanna Davidson Politano has such a unique, lyrical, and vibrant voice that it’s easy to fall into her books and happily live there. This newest book revolves around fairytales and the author’s voice is perfectly suited and mesmerizing. Set in 1903, Lily’s first person voice is captivating, impulsive, and quite mysterious. Her past will have you guessing until the very end and the truth of Lily Temple is indeed elusive. Peter’s third person voice is alluring, daring, and incredibly intelligent. His heart is loyal, steadfast, and genuine and he made for an excellent hero. There were tons of surprises in the plot and I loved their faith journey. Learning about different illusions in 1903 film making as well as introduction of color was quite fascinating.

If you enjoy unique historical fiction with fantastic writing, this is the book for you. It’s one of my favorite reads of 2024! I received a complimentary copy courtesy of Revell via NetGalley and was under no obligation to post a positive comment. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Jeanne Alfveby Crea.
762 reviews80 followers
March 14, 2024
Enchanting!!! The author is such a talented wordsmith and I enjoyed every thought-provoking moment of this captivating story. In the Elusive Truth of Lily Temple several threads are beautifully woven together keeping the reader guessing, while sprinkling nuggets of truth, beauty, whimsy, suspense and love along the way.

"The more fiction wove through my heart, the clearer the truth became. Because there was a great deal of truth in fiction-the sort too important to just be spoken outright. What heroism looked like. What it meant to love authentically, and more than anything else, who the rescuer of our souls was. That was the truest story." Amen to that!

I love captivating fictional stories that share not only thoroughly enjoyable tales, but also beautiful truths. The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple takes you on just such a journey. I got lost in this wonderful whimsical story and savored each step along the way. I highly recommend it!

Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for allowing me to read an early ecopy. All opinions are my own. My own per-ordered paperback will have a special place on my keeper shelf along with all this author's other stories!

Profile Image for Erin.
975 reviews30 followers
April 30, 2024
Is the Briarwood Teardrop sapphire really a piece torn from the sky? It certainly attracts enough attention for it. And when the gem goes missing, bad things happen.

Private investigator Peter Driscoll has been hired to return the sapphire, suspected to be in the possession of silent film actress Lily Temple. But Peter becomes convinced that Lily isn't the one who stole it, though there is definitely more to her than meets the eye.

Lily has gone by many names over the years, but now she's come home to St. Ann's Well Gardens, where her best childhood memories were made. She's longing for the one who made her a lover of stories and fairly tales. Will he come when she sends out a signal for him?

The imagery of a woman in a garden longing for home and belonging is strong and striking, and I appreciated the spiritual thread of the story. I found Lily to be an interesting character, but I was continually confused by her. How old is she supposed to be? Where did she learn to do all that she is able to do? What is the elusive truth about her? Though there's always a hint of mystery about Joanna Davidson Politano's stories, and usually trying to figure things out is one of the things I like best about them, but this one left me wanting a bit. Since I could never grasp Lily, I could never grasp the story.

But maybe other readers will not have this issue. There's so much to enjoy, from the real history woven in to the steady hero to the truth of God calling us always to Himself. If you like a book that presents a puzzle to solve, The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple could be for you!

I received my copy of the book from the author. All thoughts in this review are my own.

This review originated at http://reviewsbyerin.dreamwidth.org
Profile Image for Carly.
157 reviews12 followers
April 25, 2024
What a wild ride! This really threw me for a loop. The enchanting, magical, fairytale-style storytelling captured me right away as did the character of "Lily Temple". She was so vivid, puzzling, and truthfully, one of a kind. Peter was also a one of a kind hero on this as he saw right through the actress's tales to her heart and helped lead her back to her Heavenly Father.
My favorite element of the story was the Gardener analogy as Lily acknowledged God's redemptive authorship of her story as He was always running after her and waiting for her to receive eternity and the wholeness of her true home and Father, though she never received a restoration with her earthly father. Just as God does for His real-life children, He scattered the petals for Lily to run to Him in the garden to truly be satisfied. I loved seeing how the author wrote in so many of God's attributes and the profound nature of His Technicolor love in the lives of his children.
I absolutely was fascinated by the mind bending twists and turns in this romantic mystery, but it was frustrating to my puzzle averse brain at times, hence why this is 4, not 5, stars. But if your brain doesn't break down at extremely ELUSIVE 😉 plots, or you love puzzles, then you'll probably love this even more than I did.
Profile Image for Erin Cataldi.
2,341 reviews89 followers
May 3, 2024
Inspirational historical fiction that will leave readers guessing all the way through. The story opens at the end, with Lily Temple appealing to jailers to let Peter Driscoll free. It's the turn of the twentieth century and Lily Temple has a story to weave and a man to save. The men scoff at her, but Lily is a good storyteller and soon she has their rapt attention. Peter is in prison for killing Lily Temple and stealing a blue sapphire. But she is Lily and she has the sapphire. That really gets their attention and she dives into what the truth is. With Lily there are lots of stories and not all are completely true. When Peter first meets her Lily was an actress with a man from Scotland Yard hot on her heels. But who is she really? She has lots of secrets and no one to trust, that is, until she meets Peter. Inspirational fiction with mystery and intrigue, a splash of romance, and fun twists and turns. Lily's story brings her closer to Peter and more importantly to God.
Profile Image for Sarita.
1,260 reviews638 followers
April 30, 2024
“If you really want the truth, you’ve got to start by letting go of what you know.”

The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple grabbed my attention from the first line.

For story lovers, this book is filled with story upon story, with one true story hidden within all these stories.

Lily had so many layers to the stories she told, each story hiding a bit of her truth and who she is. I enjoyed seeing how she was able to get herself out of a lot of dangerous situations.

Peter was so dashing and intelligent and clever with the way he was able to get information with just the right reaction and the skill of listening.

It’s a pity and a blessing that we cannot see the future until it is the present.

The Mysteries and adventure kept me on my toes and had me wonder how everything will work out okay. I loved that there was more than one mystery with a few being solved during the story. The author kept me on the edge of my seat with a lot of twists and unexpected revelations and some nail-biting dangerous situations.

I loved the hidden story of the true Gardener.

At times when your story pounds a rhythm in your ears, overtaking your senses, spinning out of control, the only cure for it is to fill your head with another story.

*I received a complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.*
Profile Image for Abby.
184 reviews20 followers
February 7, 2024
3.5 stars
The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple is an intriguing historical fiction novel.
It is full of mystery, intrigue, secrets, and a cast of interesting characters. Peter and Lily were both fun characters to follow. I liked getting to know both of them better as the story progressed.
I did have a hard time getting into this one. I’m not really sure why. The characters were intriguing and the writing was engaging but it just took me awhile.
Politano is a very talented writer. She keeps her reader engaged and draws them into her story quickly. This was my second book by her and I hope to read more!
*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to post a positive review*
Profile Image for Brooklyne E..
73 reviews26 followers
April 17, 2024
4.5 stars!

This book surprised me with how much I liked it. I wouldn't say its my typical favorite genre... It is historical, yes, but it had a level of whimsy and fairytale-ness that it almost needs its own category. That being said, I must confess something... I haven't read or watched many fairytales. I've heard the names of the classics, and I know roughly what they are about. But to give you some context, I had really no clue what the hints were for the various fairytales mentioned through quotes at the beginning of the chapters and the ones the characters referenced. Knowing about them may have helped me understand a bit more. I got the gist though, so that's what matters!

I loved the overall quality of writing style. I must say, these words and descriptions were beautifully penned. So much so that I collected my favorite quotes along the way. I'll share those at the bottom of this review. I liked the setting in a garden, although this part did seem a little far fetched, thinking the garden was somehow special or magical (same with the necklace). On one hand, I can see the beauty that Lily Temple saw, as I also love nature and being out in the "garden."

The characters were fun, Lily made me smile and Peter was Peter. I think he would be considered a cinnamon roll among literary fangirls. Even though they were nothing alike, their romance didn't seem forced, it was so cool to see their story come full circle at the end. (I also love how this book started and then jumped back, then finished where it started).

This book had a short cast of characters, we didn't get to know many other characters, but the two MC's lives did cross with at least 3 people's stories. I liked the mystery aspect! I didn't really have a favorite side character and I usually do.

Overall, this was a fun read, full of beautiful descriptions, deep themes disguised in fairytale lingo, and likable characters, one of which had many tricks up her sleeve!

My favorite quotes:

"We are all of us a combination of romance novels, humorous tales, and tragedies, depending on what angle we show the world”

“Some called him ineffectual and bookish, silent and lacking in might, but only because they didn’t know what real strength looked like or from whence it came.”

“Regret was a poison that never left the bloodstream”

“In my experience, a woman’s intuition is seldom wrong and never unfounded.”

“It’s a pity and a blessing that we cannot see the future until it is the present.”
Profile Image for Susan.
626 reviews66 followers
April 16, 2024
Magical! I wish I could give more than 5 stars.

With prose reminiscent of the fairy tales of old, Politano spins a new tale to capture our imagination. The author celebrates the power of story and points those who dare to get lost within its pages to the most powerful story of all.
This story was not at all what I imagined it would be, it exceeded my expectations into a story that was told on a totally different plane. It did tell a story of a private investigator and a silent movie star, a missing gem and the miscarriage of justice, yet its' prose grabbed me and held me captive, seeking the eternal TRUTH woven within all the stories.

Our main character, Lilly Temple interlaces truth within the stories she spins. And much like the Dickens characters in one of the story she shares, she is on a search for truth, to expose injustice, to seek redemption. In her words, the power was within how our hearts responded to the stories. "All our own flaws and questions dressed up in other people's clothing, strolling around in front of us so we may more clearly see what's true about our selves. Truths deeper and more meaningful than mere facts, told in a way our minds can uniquely understand."

This is a many layered story, but at its root is the hero, Peter, who is seeking to rescue the lost, to restore the broken, to point them towards the one story that can bring about healing.

Fans of George MacDonalds stories will love the whimsical twists of words in this unique story that will forever live in my heart.

****I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher and Netgalley. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Faith.
Author 5 books243 followers
May 10, 2024
I typically have high hopes for Joanna Davidson Politano’s books, but unfortunately this one was a miss for me. After liking but not loving The Lost Melody, I wasn’t sure what to expect from The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple.

What I Liked:
-Adelaide and “her soldier” was my favorite part of the book honestly. They were side-characters making up only a small portion of the book. But I loved it.
-Peter. He was a cool dude. And he wears glasses sooo #boyswithglassesftw
-Lily’s desire to “return to the garden” and the connection to our human desire to return to The Garden (Eden) was really cool. Made for some cool, relatable imagery.
-The quotes from classical stories at the start of each chapter were neat and definitely added to the “garden fairytale” vibe.

What I Didn’t Like:
-Most of the characters seemed flat and uninteresting. I found that I didn’t care what happened to most of them.
-Lily. She annoyed me at times. I felt like I never connected with her at all because there was SO much important backstory that was only given in teensy glimpse throughout the book, and then all dumped right at the end. It felt like there was no way to get to know her earlier on.
-There seemed to be a lot of people and places and things that didn’t really have anything in common.
-I feel like usually with this author, her hints are more clear, or we (as the readers) are given more information earlier on. With this book, I felt like I was guessing about almost everything until less than 50 pages from the end. Sometimes things were implied, but not clear enough to know if we (as the reader) should believe it or not. Although, that said, maybe if I’d cared more and paid more attention I would’ve figured it out quicker. As it was, I found myself caring less if I solved it ahead of time or not.
-Peter and Lily’s romantic relationship. In my opinion, it felt like they were only together because they were the main guy and gal in the book so of course they’re going to fall in love.
-Without giving spoilers, the start of chapter 37 really confused me. I feel like it was a purposeless add-in, but that’s just me.
-Usually I love this author’s writing and find myself going “wow what a unique way to say that.” But with ETLT, it was more like “that was alot of words and I’m still not entirely sure what that meant.”

Anyway… I will continue reading all of JDP’s releases because I’ve really loved some of her books. This just wasn’t one of them, unfortunately.

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell Books publishing in exchange for this honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.**
Profile Image for Rachael.
689 reviews
April 9, 2024
“For years I’d been running and restless. Running away, yes. But also running toward something that seemed elusive and impossible. That garden experience. The safety, the devotion and intimacy…the sheer beauty.”

Wow…I think that sums up my immediate thoughts when I finished. Terrific story. This author does such a fantastic job of using her words and stories as a shadow and allegory of spiritual truths. This book was no different, yet the faith theme is even stronger in this one. I am a big lover of A Tale of Two Cities, and I loved how that was woven into the story. The ending was a surprise for me. There is something about this author’s storytelling that pulls me in and keeps me in the book. I read this book in one sitting…with dinner in between. I usually cherish hers over two days, but I wanted so much to just relax and enjoy-so I did. It has mystery, a strong faith theme, terrific characters , and a beauty in its story. You don’t want to miss any of this author’s books. This one especially holds so much beauty and heart. It’s beautiful lyrical prose that introduces Lily to the Master Gardener and the Master Storyteller. A person every reader should meet as well.

“They could walk over life’s burning coals and come out with strength and confidence on their faces. Because they had spent time in the garden, drinking in life from their source. They had met the Gardener.”

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for RebekahAshleigh.
191 reviews
April 30, 2024
I have such mixed feelings on this book. The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple was definitely an anticipated book for me seeing as I have enjoyed most of this author’s other books. This particular book was a bit hard for me to follow for quite a bit in the beginning. After a somewhat long while the story started making more sense to me and I was interested in the story but then would loose interest for a bit then get invested again. So it was just a harder book for me to read.
I did find it really cool how Lily Temple was a silent film actress and I liked her character. I also liked Peter Driscoll and his and Lily’s relationship.
So overall it wasn’t bad but sadly it definitely wasn’t a new favorite either.
Profile Image for Phyllis R.
207 reviews24 followers
April 11, 2024
Elusive? I’ll say. My mind has been roaming through this story trying to decipher this elusive truth of Lily Temple. Joanna Davidson Politano brilliantly gives us her thoughts in first person while the rest of the story is in third person. An amazing perspective combination that a lot of authors could not achieve.

I have to say that I love this story! The character of Lily Temple is built on the very definition of elusive for around 10 chapters while placing the reader on the edge of magical realism, wrapped in an ethereal fairytale and, then, whisked up in the throws of several mysteries. I actually gasped at a twist I didn’t see coming! Brilliant! I must also add that Peter Driscoll is an endearing hero that you just want to hug throughout the book.

Beyond the exceptional writing and skillful storylines, I can always count on Politano’s books being grounded in faith. This one explores the love of the Father…the true Gardner of our lives.

This book is suitable for teens and older with no inappropriate intimate scenes and no bad language. I received this book from the author/publisher free of charge, with no expectation of a positive review.
Profile Image for Nikki Akerson.
21 reviews4 followers
May 11, 2024
It took a little time to wrap my head around the story. There were moments where I would get lost in transitions, but I just craved to know more. I loved the characters of Lily and Peter. It was interesting that the story centered around a gem and at one point it said the gem would draw the bearer back to the garden. As a former new ager who started collecting crystals this spoke to my soul. Because as I began to fall deeper into new age is when the Lord drew me back to him. I loved the allegory and the whimsy.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 174 reviews

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