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Lightfall #3

Lightfall: The Dark Times

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The Lights have gone dark in Irpa.

Danger lurks as the air grows colder and threats lie in the shadows at every turn. While the rest of their fellowship seeks safety, Bea and Cad team up with a small group of survivors to travel to the Citadel of Knowledge, pursuing answers to their world’s darkest mysteries.

But their journey reveals even more secrets. Until an unexpected ally shines a light in the darkness, providing a clue to a mystery from long ago…and a beacon of hope for the future.

256 pages, Hardcover

First published April 2, 2024

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About the author

Tim Probert

13 books241 followers
Tim Probert is an author and illustrator whose work is made of equal parts wonder, magic, and adventure, with a dose of monsters and the occasional dinosaur. In addition to making books, he is an art director at Aardman Nathan Love, working on projects for Nickelodeon, Kellogg’s, Coca-Cola, Candy Crush, and more. Tim lives in NYC with his wife and two cats.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 83 reviews
Profile Image for Steph ✨.
333 reviews1,213 followers
May 4, 2024
I just adore this series. Bea and Gad are adorable. I love the illustration style and the story. Can't wait to continue.
Profile Image for Marta A M.
38 reviews8 followers
April 26, 2024
¡No tengo palabras! Es incluso mejor que el primer volumen, y mira que era difícil.
Le da una vuelta de tuerca, descubren hechos del pasado que les dan razones y alas para buscar una luz en estos tiempos oscuros.
Se lee sin parar y demasiado rápido. Me voy a leer estas 3 novelas gráficas del tiron otra vez. Gozada total.
Profile Image for Sarah | The Marsies.
540 reviews196 followers
May 6, 2024
Encore un coup de coeur pour cette saga ❤️‍🔥

Je suis toujours subjuguée par les graphismes, les jeux de couleurs et de lumières sont extraordinaires sachant qu'ici il y a une part d'ombres importante provoquant un superbe contraste.

Ce tome 3 fait office de tome de transition mais de transition réussie. Les personnages ont besoin de souffler et de se poser pour comprendre les conséquences du tome 2, même si l'action est bien présente ! On en apprend plus sur l'histoire d'Irpa et wow quel banger !

La mise en page de certaines planches est incroyablement bien amenée et pensée de façon à transposer toute la magie de l'histoire par les dessins. C'est un 10/10 aussi bien que pour l'intrigue que pour les personnages qui ont aussi leur évolution !
Profile Image for Me, My Shelf, & I.
923 reviews103 followers
April 27, 2024
This is the more somber, melancholy, breather in the series. Having events transpire as they did, it was lovely to take a moment and appreciate Irpa in this new color palette.

But wow! The segment of origin story that we got? That was so beautifully rendered; Probert definitely outdid himself this time.

Pick up this series already if you haven't yet, cowards! It is fun and joyful and gorgeous and you have no excuses not to. 🔪🔪🔪

My review of book one
My review of book two
Profile Image for caly.
294 reviews38 followers
April 29, 2024
un troisième tome à la hauteur des deux premiers !

quel plaisir de retrouver toute notre joyeuse troupe après les événements du deuxième tome. on est ici dans un tome de recherche, où les protagonistes veulent des réponses et font tout pour les trouver. l’univers est vraiment un des points forts de cette histoire, en plus des personnages terriblement attachants et humains, et des dessins juste sublimes, me faisant penser de plus en plus à l’univers de Zelda.

j’ai beaucoup aimé apercevoir les émotions de Cad ; car s’il essaye de relativiser et de rester solaire, il a aussi le droit de ne peut pas toujours être au top de sa forme : il m’a donc beaucoup touché. pareil pour Béa et son anxiété qui encore une fois est extrêmement bien traité ! je me suis énormément reconnue dans certains de ces propos et pfiou ❤️‍🩹

il faut aussi souligné l’humour pince-sans-rire qui se trouve entre les pages : j’avoue avoir gloussé plus d’une fois dû à certains personnages si drôles 😭

une histoire qui se bonifie tome après tome, et je peux vous dire que j’attends la suite de pied ferme!!!!!
Profile Image for Bill.
1,745 reviews95 followers
April 12, 2024
Here is the good and the bad of reading Lightfall: The Dark Times, the 3rd and most recent of the Lightfall series by Tim Probert. The good - I got to catch up with Bea and Cad, the Galdurian in their adventures on the planet Irpa as they race across country to try and find the sun. The bad - Now I have to wait for #4 to come out so I can see what happens next. As Charlie Brown would have said, AUGH!!

As always, like the 1st two books, it's a wonderfully drawn, fast-paced story, filled with fascinating characters and creatures. It's sometimes confusing, especially the very beginning, but it quickly made sense as the survivors of the battle Rinn make a mad dash across the planet in the dark to try and get to hoped for safety in Baihle. They must battle the Shades and other creatures of the darkness. Bea and Cad are somewhat estranged, as Bea is exhausted, trying to learn the magic of talking to the land; plants and stones, etc. Cad is despondent as he blames himself for causing the darkness and also due to his belief that he might be the last of the Galdurians.

As well, Bea and Cad, along with other friends, will soon have to split up with the rest of the survivors, as the will be heading southwest to the City of Knowledge to try and find clues to discovering the location of the Sun, or how to get it back.

It's such a neat story and Cad and Bea are wonderful characters as are Soot, the flying dog, Grandpa, the pig wizard and even the little cat... oh and the yoda type wizard teaching Bea... Kipp? Anyway, the artwork is super, dark when it needs to be, bright when it does that and the characters are wonderfully presented. Try the series, it's great so far. And hurry up with #4! (4.0 stars)
Profile Image for Livresse de Lola.
337 reviews137 followers
May 6, 2024
WAW ! Coup de cœur pour ce tome 5 !

J’ai trop aimé toute la dimension historique présente dans ce tome à travers l’histoire d’Irpa et sa création.

Les planches sont toujours aussi belles, et j’ai vraiment pris plaisir à voir leur cheminement. Et puis quelle belle conclusion !

Bref hâte de lire la suite 🤩
April 16, 2024
Tim Probert es un genio contemporáneo.

En mi trabajo como librero tengo mucho contacto con el mundo de la literatura infantil, así como con cómics y literatura fantástica. He podido recomendar Lightfall miles de veces, y con la lectura del tercer volumen, y la relectura del primero y del segundo para disfrutarlo aun más, solo puedo reafirmarme.

No quiero desmerecer al resto de autores infantiles, que hacen un trabajo muy bueno y ponen mucho esfuerzo en sus obras. Sin embargo, Lightfall me resulta, entre aquello que es lo mejor, excepcional. Combinando una infinidad de tropos clásicos de las aventuras de fantasía y un dibujo esmerado, soberbiamente superior al promedio que me encuentro a diario en el entorno del cómic infantil, Tim consigue una narrativa fluida, accesible y sorprendentemente original, demostrando que en ocasiones la materia prima más sencilla puede resultar en obras de lo más únicas, gracias al cariño y al esmero con que se construyen.

Como ocurría en los volúmenes anteriores, los personajes y el mundo de Irpa, personaje en sí mismo, son las fortalezas de la obra. No solo Bea y Cad, los protagonistas, tienen personalidades excelentemente desarrolladas, sino que los roles de personajes secundarios o incluso pasajeros tienen matices que invitan a intuir mucho más de lo que se muestra. Y todo ello, sin perjuicio de su accesibilidad para los lectores más jóvenes.

Sinceramente creo que no puedo dejar mejor opinión que la de mi experiencia con los clientes infantiles, y sus respectivos progenitores, que una vez finalizados los volúmenes 1 y 2 volvían a por la continuación, y solicitaban recomendaciones similares. A pesar de que he aconsejado muchos otros cómics infantiles contemporáneos, me temo que aún no he dado con otro que me haya impactado tanto como este, y he podido comprobar que no soy la única persona que ha recurrido a diferentes foros para solicitar referencias que se asemejen.

Por todo ello, Bea, Cad, Nimm y aquellas personas con las que comparto estas aventuras tienen reservado un huequito especial en mi estantería. Solo me queda esperar al siguiente puerto de esta maravillosa travesía.
Profile Image for Lindsay Lemus.
319 reviews21 followers
May 12, 2024
This was definitely a filler book in the series. It didn't have much going on but a couple explanations that continues the story.
I had some issues with the creation part as I believe in one God who made it all not many but it does bring up the evils of ungrateful humans always wanting more than they have when they already have all they need which is an accurate portrayal of the fall of humankind. I also missed our main characters being more optimistic and having personalities.
Profile Image for Shannon.
5,548 reviews311 followers
May 7, 2024
Another great instalment in the middle grade fantasy graphic novel series that has our heroes embarking on an even darker quest that has them facing fears and confronting the past while also learning more about what led to the downfall of their world. Gorgeous illustrations with an ending that had me eager for the next book! Highly, highly recommended with great anxiety rep!
Profile Image for Crystal books_inthewild.
358 reviews7 followers
May 14, 2024
I previewed this book for my school library, and I know my fantasy lovers (and lovers of this series of course) are going to be excited for this one.

As in the previous two, the art in Lightfall is absolutely stunning. I love the detail, the colours, the contrast, and just the imagination. So many pages could just be an art piece on our library wall!! :)

The story is more complex this time around, with more characters & history. Older readers (grade 6/7) who like more world building & back story will like it.
Profile Image for Candies.
218 reviews17 followers
May 5, 2024
C'était un chouette tome qui a permis de mettre l'accent sur les personnages et le contexte de l'univers de Lightfall. J'ai beaucoup aimé, c'était très intéressant, et toujours accompagné par de magnifiques illustrations.

Je regrette juste un peu la lenteur à laquelle l'aventure se développe. On attend beaucoup entre chaque tome, et on reste un peu sur sa faim, je trouve.

Dans tous les cas j'ai hâte de découvrir la suite !
Profile Image for Starr ❇✌❇.
1,430 reviews144 followers
May 18, 2024
This wasn't my favorite chapter of the story so far, because it felt a bit more like bridging the plot than like it was packed with actual plot- but that definitely doesn't make it bad. It was still an enjoyable read, you get some cool hints for what's to come, and the art is, of course, fantastic throughout. I did really like the reveal we're given in this book, and am excited to see it further explored in the next volume.
Profile Image for Yuyine.
897 reviews49 followers
April 26, 2024
Ce troisième volume de Lightfall nous propose encore une fois une histoire palpitante et touchante qui nous plonge cette fois dans une étape plus tendue et plus introspective dans l’aventure de nos personnages. C’est d’ailleurs un plaisir de retrouver notre duo si attachant par leurs failles et de découvrir de grandes révélations sur cet univers dans un tome qui constitue un tournant dans la série.

Critique complète sur yuyine.be!
Profile Image for Finlay.
55 reviews4 followers
April 7, 2024
Honestly, this was probably my favorite one out of the series so far. Loved getting to see more of the lore and backstory surrounding the world. Also, Soot is BY FAR my favorite character, and seeing Cad's character development was fantastic. Oh and found family for the win :)
Profile Image for KuroNeko (Maud).
295 reviews4 followers
May 2, 2024
J’ai été un peu moins embarquée que les deux précédents tomes, mais c’est toujours un bonheur de suivre Béa et Cad dans leurs aventures. Beaucoup d’adversité encore dans ce tome, et les aventures ne sont pas finies !
Profile Image for Ghostly_pale26.
536 reviews5 followers
May 3, 2024

Reading for the first time for Final Book Support Group Round 12 May 2024.
I've re-read the first two volumes so that I can read this one with the story fresh in my mind. This is one of the few books I have preordered in 2024 as I'm trying to be better about ordering too far in advance but this series has a special place in my heart.
I adore the artwork, the characters, the story thus far- it's just wonderful.
Am I now looking for Volume 4 to preorder? even though it's probably going to be next year? Yes, resoundedly yes.
Profile Image for SusanReads.
82 reviews1 follower
May 6, 2024
This was a 3.5⭐️ read for me. This installment gave more background to this world and some characters. The art was my favorite part.
Profile Image for Molly.
182 reviews27 followers
May 8, 2024
I really love the way everything is coming together! Can’t wait for the 4th installment.
Profile Image for UneHistoiredeLecture.
102 reviews4 followers
May 12, 2024
Lightfall est vraiment spécial à mes yeux, il s’en dégage une morale importante & si bien abordée.
Hâte de lire la suite, cette histoire & ses personnages me touchent en plein 🤍
Profile Image for Léa Kaiser.
80 reviews6 followers
May 9, 2024
Excellent pour se remettre d'une panne de lecture. C'est tout simplement sublime!
Profile Image for lou.crpl.
87 reviews3 followers
May 16, 2024
Me donner envie de plonger la dedans alors que j’ai aucune envie de vivre sans soleil c’est très fort
Displaying 1 - 30 of 83 reviews

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