Book Giveaway For A Recusant’s Incarnation: A Memoir

  • A Recusant’s Incarnation by Neetha Joseph
    A Recusant’s Incarnation: A Memoir

    Release date: Mar 06, 2024
    Would you like to connect with a few emotional truths and discoveries presented in my memoir as I evolve into a self-actualized person? Enter today!
    Situational crisis started the ‘Writing a memoir’ project as it led to an unexpected change in identity; from an Australian educator to Centrelink’s j ...more

    Format: Kindle book

    Giveaway ends in: a

    Availability: 100 copies available, 524 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: May 06 - May 19, 2024

    Countries available: U.S.

  • 16764156
    Proprietor/CEO of Wordmagic Publishing ( and Author of 'Pneuma', 'The Aeon of Improbable Scams', 'I am Audacious', 'The Esoteric Lives of Fleurs De Lys', and 'A Recusant's Incarnation: A Memoir', Dr Neetha Joseph is a publisher member of Copyright Agency, a member of Australian Society of Authors, a non-paying member of Australian Writer's Guild and Writing NSW. ...more
    More about Neetha Joseph...

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