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RAF: The Birth of the World's First Air Force
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Jan 27, 2020
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Oct 11, 2023
Bomb: The Race to Build—and Steal—the World's Most Dangerous Weapon
it was amazing
Jan 18, 2015
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Sep 07, 2023
The Road to Little Dribbling: Adventures of an American in Britain
really liked it
Oct 20, 2022
Sep 22, 2022
A Planet of Viruses
it was amazing
Sep 22, 2022
Sep 20, 2022
What Are the Chances? Probability Made Clear
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Sep 20, 2022
Aug 28, 2022
Human Evolution
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Aug 22, 2022
Aug 17, 2022
Humble Pi: When Math Goes Wrong in the Real World
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Aug 10, 2022
Jul 25, 2022
This Idea Is Brilliant: Lost, Overlooked, and Underappreciated Scientific Concepts Everyone Should Know
it was amazing
Jul 05, 2022
Jun 24, 2022
An Underground Education: The Unauthorized and Outrageous Supplement to Everything You Thought You Knew About Art, Sex, Business, Crime, Science, Medicine, and Other Fields of Human Knowledge
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Jun 05, 2022
May 20, 2022
The Life-Changing Science of Detecting Bullshit
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May 20, 2022
May 19, 2022
Brief Candle in the Dark: My Life in Science
it was amazing
May 19, 2022
May 13, 2022
Murder, Madness and Mayhem
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Apr 10, 2022
Apr 05, 2022
We Are All Stardust: Scientists Who Shaped Our World Talk about Their Work, Their Lives, and What They Still Want to Know
it was amazing
Apr 03, 2022
Mar 28, 2022
Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past
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Mar 25, 2022
Mar 23, 2022
Fighting Misinformation: Digital Media Literacy
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Feb 21, 2022
Feb 20, 2022
How Science Shapes Science Fiction
it was amazing
Feb 19, 2022
Feb 12, 2022
A Natural History of the Future: What the Laws of Biology Tell Us about the Destiny of the Human Species
did not like it
Feb 11, 2022
Feb 11, 2022
A Curious History of Sex
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Feb 09, 2022
Feb 02, 2022
Everything All at Once: How to Unleash Your Inner Nerd, Tap Into Radical Curiosity and Solve Any Problem
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Jan 31, 2022
Jan 21, 2022
Cræft: An Inquiry Into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts
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Jan 21, 2022
Jan 16, 2022
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