Federico DN's Reviews > Life of Pi

Life of Pi by Yann Martel
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites, animals, fiction, adapted


Piscine Molitor Patel is a young indian boy travelling with his family aboard a freighter through the Pacific seas, and carrying their precious zoo animals to America for relocation. One stormy night the ship suddenly sinks, and he ends up in a small lifeboat with several of their animals and, among them, a huge Bengal tiger. This is the tale of his extraordinary adventure, and how he managed to survive for months stranded in the middle of the seas with little to no resources, and accompanied by one of the deadliest predators in the world.

This was one lovely and painful emotional ride. Loved the origins of Pi, the zoo teachings, and specially the multi-religious Hindu-Christian-Islam approach. The shipwreck was devastating, and so too a big chunk of the time adrift. Pi an incredible little Crusoe, and Richard Parker a terrifying but necessary companionship; a beautiful yet dangerous bonding, but vital, for both. I remember most of my journey with them filled with great apprehension and distress; sure there were beautiful moments and a love and respect for nature rarely seen in other works, yet most of the time lingered a persistent sadness of uncertainty, and much despair before a sometimes cruel sea that took what little they had and didn’t leave much room for hope. Nevertheless, this was an unforgettable journey so worthy that not once regretted taking.

A fantastic story of survival, courage, spirituality, and love for life and nature. A sublime journey of impossible beauty (view spoiler), with loads moments (view spoiler) to remember by. And to top it off, a soul shattering ending likely to never forget (view spoiler). Recommendable. Very.

*** Life of Pi (2012) is a lovely artistic adaptation, extremely faithful to the book, and an excellent complement to the reading. The scenery beyond beautiful, the acting on point, and the special effects impeccable. The film gorgeously captures the best heartfelt parts of the book, and cuts most of the sadness away from it. As usual the book won, I enjoyed it more, but I think only because I read it first and then the surprise was lost. I LOVE the book for its detail and depth, but ultimately I LOVE the movie more for its beautiful uplifting delivery; and a big part of me wishes I’d watched it first. (8/10)

[2001] [460p] [Fiction] [Highly Recommendable] [Bananas float!]


Piscine Molitor Patel es un joven muchacho indio viajando con su familia a bordo de un barco carguero a través del océano Pacifico, y llevando sus preciados animales de zoológico para reubicarlos en América. Una noche tormentosa la nave repentinamente se hunde, y él termina en un pequeño bote salvavidas con varios de los animales, y entre ellos, un gigante tigre Bengala. Esta es la historia de su extraordinaria aventura, y cómo logró sobrevivir por meses varado en el medio del océano con poco y nada de recursos, y acompañado por uno de depredadores más letales de la tierra.

Este fue un adorable y doloroso viaje emocional. Amé los orígenes de Pi, las enseñanzas del zoológico, y especialmente el enfoque multi-religioso Hindú-Cristiano-Islámico. El naufragio fue devastador, y también una gran parte del tiempo a la deriva. Pi un increíble pequeño Crusoe, y Richard Parker una terrorífica pero necesaria compañía; una hermosa pero peligrosa vinculación, pero vital, para ambos. Recuerdo la mayoría del mi viaje con ellos lleno de gran aprehensión y angustia; obvio que hubo hermosos momentos y un amor y respeto por la naturaleza pocas veces visto en otras obras, pero la mayor parte del tiempo permaneció conmigo una persistente tristeza incierta, y mucha desesperanza ante un a veces cruel océano que tomaba lo poco que tenían sin dejar mucho lugar a esperanza. Sin embargo, este fue un viaje inolvidable tan valioso que ni una vez me arrepentí de tomarlo.

Una fantástica historia de supervivencia, coraje, espiritualidad y amor por la vida y naturaleza. Un sublime viaje de imposible belleza (view spoiler), con muchos momentos (view spoiler) para el recuerdo. Y para coronarlo todo, un final que parte el alma imposible de olvidar (view spoiler). Recomendable. Mucho.

*** Una aventura extraordinaria (2012) es una adorable y artística adaptación, extremadamente fiel al libro, y un excelente complemento para la lectura. La escenografía más allá de hermosa, la actuación acorde, y los efectos especiales impecables. El filme hermosamente captura las partes más sentidas del libro, y corta la mayoría de su tristeza. Como usualmente sucede el libro ganó, lo disfruté más, pero creo que sólo porque lo leí primero y luego la sorpresa se perdió. AMO el libro por el detalle y su profundidad, pero en última instancia AMO la película más por su hermoso y elevador mensaje a la hora de entregarlo; y gran parte de mí desearía haberla visto primero. (8/10)

[2001] [460p] [Ficción] [Altamente Recomendable]
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February 24, 2014 – Shelved
October 8, 2014 – Started Reading
December 28, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 88 (88 new)

message 1: by mwana (new)

mwana Great review Federico. I usually prefer to watch the movie first too but sometimes I don't want the spoilers.

Federico DN Mwanamali wrote: "Great review Federico. I usually prefer to watch the movie first too but sometimes I don't want the spoilers."

Thank you Mwanamali ! Wish we could do both things at the same time but sadly one thing always spoils the other one lol. I usually go with the book first, but in this case I wish it had been the other way around :p

Amina (ⴰⵎⵉⵏⴰ) I love this review!!

Federico DN Amina (ⴰⵎⵉⵏⴰ) wrote: "I love this review!!"

Thank you Amina ! Hope you love it too when you get to it <3

message 5: by Jim (new)

Jim Ef Fantastic reviews, for both the book and the movie!

message 6: by mwana (new)

mwana Federico wrote: "Mwanamali wrote: "Great review Federico. I usually prefer to watch the movie first too but sometimes I don't want the spoilers."

Thank you Mwanamali ! Wish we could do both things at the same time..."

You can still call me mwana Fed. Hehe. Anyway, I feel the same but like with Coraline, I read the book first and I preferred the book. Film wasn't scary enough for me. Then with many Sherlock stories, I watched the adaptations first and was pleasantly surprised by the stories in the books being so different. I think I'd want a system where they completely change an ending fro a movie for me to enjoy watching it first. Or giving them significant time in between to forget major details.

message 7: by Jackie (new) - added it

Jackie Book addict not recovered Fantastic review! Love the pictures by the way! Yes this one will definitely be on my Goodreads bucket list for 2023 if not the beginning of 2024 ! Will definitely watch the movie but I think after I read the book

Citlalli Lo leí cuando recién salió y recuerdo que me gustó muchísimo

Federico DN Jim wrote: "Fantastic reviews, for both the book and the movie!"

Thank you Jim! Hope you like it too if you decide to read/watch it :) !

Citlalli Buena reseña

message 11: by Federico (last edited Sep 29, 2023 03:45AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Federico DN Mwanamali wrote: "Federico wrote: "You can still call me mwana Fed. Hehe. Anyway, I feel the same but like with Coraline, I read the book first and I preferred the book. Film wasn't scary enough for me. Then with many Sherlock stories..."

Oh cool! Seemed to me so weird to call you differently after all this time lol, but since you changed it thought appropriate to go with it :p. I agree with the Sherlock movies! So amazingly different compared to the books. Always such a gamble to chose between one or the other! Why life has to be so darn difficult lol xD

message 12: by Federico (last edited Sep 29, 2023 03:29AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Federico DN Jackie wrote: "Fantastic review! Love the pictures by the way! Yes this one will definitely be on my Goodreads bucket list for 2023 if not the beginning of 2024 ! Will definitely watch the movie but I think after..."

Thank you Jackie! It's definitely worth it I think, any of the two formats. Hope you enjoy them plenty too <2

message 13: by Federico (last edited Sep 29, 2023 03:31AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Federico DN Citlalli wrote: "Lo leí cuando recién salió y recuerdo que me gustó muchísimo "

"Buena reseña "...

Es genial Citlalli ! Ciertamente único <3.

Y gracias jaja :D

message 14: by Thibault (new)

Thibault Busschots I did watch the movie and found it quite good. Cool that both the movie and the original book are on quite a similar high level. Good review, Federico.

Federico DN Thibault wrote: "I did watch the movie and found it quite good. Cool that both the movie and the original book are on quite a similar high level. Good review, Federico."

Thank you Thibault !! Glad you had fun watching it too :D

NILTON TEIXEIRA Awesome review!
Such a great book. And the movie adaptation is terrific!

Federico DN NILTON wrote: "Awesome review!
Such a great book. And the movie adaptation is terrific!"

Absolutely Nilton!! Both fantastic! Many thanks :D !!

Karen Wonderful review Federico! 🙂 I loved this one, too. I urge you to look up the author’s interpretation of the ending. It kind of blew my mind.

Federico DN Karen wrote: "Wonderful review Federico! 🙂 I loved this one, too. I urge you to look up the author’s interpretation of the ending. It kind of blew my mind."

I think I saw it but gonna double check just to be sure lol. Thank you Karen! So glad you loved it too <3

Berengaria I also thought it was great. Glad you did too!

message 21: by Federico (last edited Sep 29, 2023 06:03AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Federico DN Berengaria wrote: "I also thought it was great. Glad you did too!"

Marvelous in so many ways. Thank you Berengaria! Glad it was the same for you :D

message 22: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha Oh... I'm yet to read this one though I saw the movie in bits and pieces. Beautiful review, Federico.

message 23: by Terrie (new)

Terrie  Robinson On my TBR and based on your amazing review, I need to get to this one sooner rather than later! I haven’t watched the movie either but my preference is most always to read the book first and to love the book above the adaption.

Alisonbookreviewer Great review. I saw the movie which was excellent

Federico DN Srivalli wrote: "Oh... I'm yet to read this one though I saw the movie in bits and pieces. Beautiful review, Federico."

Thank you Srivalli ! Hope you enjoy the book, or the movie if you decide to finish it lol :D

Federico DN Terrie wrote: "On my TBR and based on your amazing review, I need to get to this one sooner rather than later! I haven’t watched the movie either but my preference is most always to read the book first and to lov..."

Both formats are lovable in their own way so hope you enjoy them both <3. Thank you so much Terrie!

Federico DN Alisonbookreviewer wrote: "Great review. I saw the movie which was excellent"

Exquisite mind blowing adaptation <3. Glad to hear you loved it :) . Thank you Alison!!

message 28: by inciminci (new)

inciminci Great one, Fede! A friend had lent me this years ago and I remember not understanding the ending, (view spoiler). to this day I don't know, lol.

message 29: by Federico (last edited Sep 30, 2023 09:56AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Federico DN inciminci wrote: "Great one, Fede! A friend had lent me this years ago and I remember not understanding the ending, [spoilers removed]. to this day I don't know, lol."

Thank you Inci !! I think the beauty of it is that in the end we can choose to believe whatever we want <3.

Sarah &#x1f940;⛓️ I’ve always been on the fence with checking out this book! Heard so many great things, but I’ve never read the book nor seen the movie! Lol Maybe I’ll have to afterall! :)

Federico DN Sarah 🥀⛓️ wrote: "I’ve always been on the fence with checking out this book! Heard so many great things, but I’ve never read the book nor seen the movie! Lol Maybe I’ll have to afterall! :)"

I support either choice Sarah! They are both good in their own unique way :)

message 32: by J TC (new)

J TC AMAZING review. Congrats

Federico DN J TC wrote: "AMAZING review. Congrats"

Thank you J TC :) !!

Maricarmen Estrada M Excelente reseña Federico, excelente libro y también la película!

Federico DN Maricarmen wrote: "Excelente reseña Federico, excelente libro y también la película!"

Gracias Maricarmen! Ambas geniales e inolvidables <3 !

Amina (ⴰⵎⵉⵏⴰ) Federico wrote: "Amina (ⴰⵎⵉⵏⴰ) wrote: "I love this review!!"

Thank you Amina ! Hope you love it too when you get to it <3"

I hope so too!

message 37: by Rena✫ (new)

Rena✫ El libro es muy bueno

Federico DN Rena wrote: "El libro es muy bueno"

Vale su peso en tigres.

message 39: by Kathy (new) - rated it 1 star

Kathy I may need to try this one again.

message 40: by Federico (last edited Sep 29, 2023 10:35AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Federico DN Kathy wrote: "I may need to try this one again."

If you must. Sometimes a book is just not meant for us, regardless of how much high praising receives from others. No shame in that.

message 41: by Ava (new) - added it

Ava Cairns 🙌🙌👍

Federico DN Ava wrote: "🙌🙌👍"

You know it :D !

message 43: by Rachel (new) - added it

Rachel Hanes Wonderful review, Federico!! I’ve seen all amazing reviews for this book (including yours), and I need to read this!! I could use a great book to read anyways (after the last few duds I’ve had). This sounds like just what I need! Glad this was a five star winner for you!! 🌟

Rosh (On a partial break till June 2) Whoa, I never thought the book would be so good! I had happily watched the movie and was satisfied to stop there. Always nice to see a 5 star from you, Feddie! It's a blue-moon occasion. :D

message 45: by Federico (last edited Sep 29, 2023 11:38AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Federico DN Rachel wrote: "Wonderful review, Federico!! I’ve seen all amazing reviews for this book (including yours), and I need to read this!! I could use a great book to read anyways (after the last few duds I’ve had). Th..."

Thank you so much Rachel! Hope it's a winner for you too <3! Just don't let the hype conquer you and always keep a healthy size of mistrust handy. Remember: High expectations NEVER help xD!

Federico DN Rosh wrote: "Whoa, I never thought the book would be so good! I had happily watched the movie and was satisfied to stop there. Always nice to see a 5 star from you, Feddie! It's a blue-moon occasion. :D"

Lol, Quite uncommon indeed! But this was was SO worth it <3. Or maybe it was a 4.5 rounded up but it's been so long I don't remember if I disliked anything about it. Thank you so much Rosh! I think you are good if you have already watched the movie but hope you enjoy it too if you decide to also read it :)

message 47: by Ruben (new)

Ruben I watched the film a few years back and I've been meaning to read the book for a while. Great review, Federico!

message 48: by Federico (last edited Sep 29, 2023 12:06PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Federico DN Ruben wrote: "I watched the film a few years back and I've been meaning to read the book for a while. Great review, Federico!"

Thank you Ruben! So glad you liked the film so much <3. Hope the book brings you some extra magic if you go for it :)

message 49: by Nora (new) - rated it 5 stars

Nora Currie So happy you loved this book too, Federico :)) !

message 50: by Alexandra (new)

Alexandra Awesome review, Federico! I haven't read the book, haven't seen the movie - I've heard lots of great things about both, though. Someday, someday... :)

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